Free Advertising Cheat Sheet Download:
- Free Advertising Cheat Sheet
Use this handy check-list to get your mind in gear when planning a new campaign. Keep in mind that this is not a tutorial. It is just the cheat sheet that I use whenever I start a new business, or when I am helping a company with their marketing for the first time.
You may already be familiar with some of the ideas on the list. If not, I'd be happy to show you how to implement some of these strategies in my upcoming course called 'Lead Generation Mastery'.

Benny Traub, Instructor
This cheat sheet is one of the many components included in a course that I teach, called Lead Generation Mastery.
I have generated tens of thousands of leads for companies all over North America, including Sears, Paychex, Allstate, Dish Network, and many small businesses. I have started fifteen companies, and taken two of them public. I love teaching my best secrets to hungry students!
Consider learning my best secrets in the upcoming course: